Latest research in football - week 4 - 2021

As previous literature updates, I have performed a PubCrawler search looking for football articles in NCBI Medline (PubMed) and GenBank databases. 


Following studies were retrieved for this week:

#1 The combination of physical and mental load exacerbates the negative effect of each on the capability of skilled soccer players to anticipate action 

Reference: J Sports Sci. 2020 Dec 4;1-9. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2020.1855747.

Authors: David Alder, David P Broadbent, Jamie Poolton

Summary: This study examined the impact of combining physical and mental load on the anticipatory judgements of skilled soccer players. Sixteen players completed an 11vs11 video anticipation test in four counterbalanced conditions, each separated by 7 days. The baseline condition consisted of only the anticipation test. A physical load condition required participants to complete a simulated soccer protocol on a treadmill followed by the anticipation test. A mental load condition required participants to complete a 30-min Stroop test followed by the anticipation test. Finally, in the combined load condition, participants completed the physical load protocol alongside the mentally loading Stroop task followed by the anticipation test. Response accuracy, visual search behaviour and measures of effort were assessed throughout. Response accuracy decreased in the separate physical load and mental load conditions when compared to baseline and worsened further in the combined load condition. The reduction in response accuracy across experimental conditions coincided with an increase in the number of fixations when compared to the baseline condition. It is suggested that the separate sources of load impaired the players ability to allocate sufficient resources to task-relevant information leading to a reduction in anticipatory accuracy, and this was exacerbated in the combined load condition. 



#2 Differential Change in Oculomotor Performance among Female Collegiate Soccer Players versus Non-Contact Athletes from Pre- to Post-Season 

Reference: Neurotrauma Rep. 2020 Nov 10;1(1):169-180. doi: 10.1089/neur.2020.0051. eCollection 2020. 

Authors: Virginia T Gallagher, Prianka Murthy, Jane Stocks, Brian Vesci, Danielle Colegrove, Jeffrey Mjaanes, Yufen Chen, Hans Breiter, Cynthia LaBella, Amy A Herrold, James L Reilly

Summary: Sensitive and reliable tools are needed to evaluate potential behavioral and cognitive changes following head impact exposure in contact and collision sport participation. We evaluated change in oculomotor testing performance among female, varsity, collegiate athletes following variable exposure to head impacts across a season. Female, collegiate, contact sport (soccer, CONT) and non-contact sport (NON-CONT) athletes were assessed pre-season and post-season. Soccer athletes were grouped according to total season game headers into low dose (≤40 headers; CONT-Low Dose) or high dose (>40 headers; CONT-High Dose) groups. Performance on pro-saccade (reflexive visual response), anti-saccade (executive inhibition), and memory-guided saccade (MGS, spatial working memory) computer-based laboratory tasks were assessed. Primary saccade measures included latency/reaction time, inhibition error rate (anti-saccade only), and spatial accuracy (MGS only). NON-CONT (n = 20), CONT-Low Dose (n = 17), and CONT-High Dose (n = 7) groups significantly differed on pre-season versus post-season latency on tasks with executive functioning demands (anti-saccade and MGS, p ≤ 0.001). Specifically, NON-CONT and CONT-Low Dose demonstrated shorter (i.e., faster) anti-saccade (1.84% and 2.68%, respectively) and MGS (5.74% and 2.76%, respectively) latencies from pre-season to post-season, whereas CONT-High Dose showed 1.40% average longer anti-saccade, and 0.74% shorter MGS, latencies. NON-CONT and CONT-Low Dose demonstrated reduced (i.e., improved) inhibition error rate on the anti-saccade task at post-season versus pre-season, whereas CONT-High Dose demonstrated relative stability (p = 0.021). The results of this study suggest differential exposure to subconcussive head impacts in collegiate female athletes is associated with differential change in reaction time and inhibitory control performances on executive saccadic oculomotor testing. 



#3 Effects of the COVID-19 confinement period on physical conditions in young elite soccer players 

Reference: J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2020 Dec 3. doi: 10.23736/S0022-4707.20.11669-4. Online ahead of print. 

Authors: Marc Dauty, Pierre Menu, Alban Fouasson-Chailloux

Summary: The rapid spread of the SARS-CoV-2 infection required general confinement measures reducing or even preventing sport practice, which was a risk of detraining in athletes. In adolescents, detraining is poorly known as well as its prevention by homeexercises. This article aimed to assess the effects of Covid-19 confinement on detraining in young high-level soccer players despite a multimodal training program conducted at home. Twenty-five elite soccer players, aged 14, were included to perform physical exercises at home during the Covid-19 confinement. Two cardio-training sessions and two upper and lower limb muscle strengthening sessions were performed per week. The exercise program was monitored remotely via the web. Hooper, training and mental indexes allowed a psychological follow-up. The effect of Covid-19 confinement on aerobic capacity was measured using a pre- and post-confinement Yo-Yo test. Out of the 25 adolescences who completed the exercises program, 19 performed the post-confinement Yo-Yo test. The running distance decreased by 614 +/- 630 m (-25%) (p = 0001) and the maximal running speed by 0.97 +/- 1 km/h (-5%) (p=0.001), confirming detraining. Hooper, training and mental indexes remained stable showing a well-supported home Covid-19 confinement. The 2-month period of strict home confinement due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was responsible for a decrease of aerobic abilities in adolescent soccer players, despite a remotely monitored multimodal exercises program. 



#4 Relationships Between Training Load Variables in Professional Youth Football Players 

Reference: Int J Sports Med. 2020 Dec 1. doi: 10.1055/a-1300-2959. Online ahead of print. 

Authors: Patrick Maughan, Paul Swinton, Niall MacFarlane

Summary: This study aims to investigate the relationship between subjective and external measures of load in professional youth football players whilst accounting for the effect of training theme or competition. Data from ratings of perceived exertion and global positioning system-derived measures of external training load were collected from 20 professional youth players (age=17.4±1.3 yrs) across a 46-week season. General characteristics of training sessions were categorised based on their proximity to match day. The underlying structure of the data was investigated with principal component analysis. An extraction criterion comprising eigenvalues >1 was used to identify which components to retain. Three components were retained for training performed three days prior to match day (80.2% of variance), with two components (72.9-89.7% of variance) retained for all other modes. Generally, the first component was represented by measures of volume (Total Distance, PlayerLoad and low intensity running) whilst the second and third components were characterised by measures of intensity. Identification of multiple components indicates that load monitoring should comprise multiple variables. Additionally, differences in the underlying structure across training days that reflected different goals suggest that effective monitoring should be specific to the demands of different session types. 



#5 High-intensity Interval Training Shock Microcycle Improves Running Performance but not Economy in Female Soccer Players 

Reference: Int J Sports Med. 2020 Dec 11. doi: 10.1055/a-1302-8002. Online ahead of print. 

Authors: Filippo Dolci, Andrew E Kilding, Tania Spiteri, Paola Chivers, Benjamin Piggott, Andrew Maiorana, Nicolas Hart

Summary: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of high-intensity interval training shock microcycles (HIITSM) on endurance, running economy and change of direction economy in female soccer players. Nineteen sub-elite female soccer players were randomised to two groups: HIITSM (10 HIIT sessions over 13 days) or HIITTRAD (4 HIIT sessions over 13 days) interventions. Endurance performance was evaluated through the 30-15 intermittent fitness test (30-15IFT); running economy over a 5-min treadmill run; and change of direction economy over two conditions: (1) 5-min 20m shuttle run, and (2) 5-min 10m shuttle run. HIITSM significantly improved 30-15IFT scores compared to baseline (+4.4%, p=0.009; d=0.96) and 30-15IFT scores relative to HIITTRAD (p=0.002; d=2.01). There was no significant interaction (group×time) for running economy and change of direction economy. Pre- to post- intervention there was a significant main time effect for blood lactate over 20m and 10m shuttle runs (p<0.001 and p=0.037, respectively), with large (d=0.93) and moderate (d=0.53) changes observed for the HIITSM over the two distances, respectively. HIITSM may be more effective than HIITTRAD to improve 30-15IFT over shorter training periods but may not affect running economy and change of direction economy. 



#6 Lower-Limb Muscle Excitation, Peak Torque, and External Load Responses to a 120-Minute Treadmill-Based Soccer-Specific Simulation 

Reference: Res Q Exerc Sport. 2020 Dec 11;1-11. doi: 10.1080/02701367.2020.1844858. Online ahead of print. 

Authors: Adam Field, Richard Michael Page, Liam Corr, Robert Naughton, Matthew Haines, Liam David Harper, Sean Hudson

Summary: The aim of this study was to investigate thigh musculature excitation and torque generation in response to soccer-specific exercise incorporating an extra-time (ET) period. Twelve semiprofessional soccer players performed 120-min treadmill-based soccer-specific exercise. Surface electromyography (EMG) signals for the rectus femoris (EMGRF) and biceps femoris (EMGBF) were measured as the mean response across a pre-determined 10-second sprint bout during each 15-min block of exercise. Peak eccentric torque of the knee flexors (eccKF) and concentric torque of the knee extensors (conKE) were recorded across angular velocities of 60, 180, and 270 degs-1 immediately pre- and post-exercise. Tri-axial PlayerLoad™ (PL-T) was monitored throughout exercise and defined across vertical (PL-V), anterior-posterior (PL-AP), and medial-lateral (PL-ML) planes of motion. A reduction in normalized EMGRF amplitude was evident at 105‒120 min, versus 0‒15 min (-12.5%; p = .037), 15‒30 min (-12.5%; p = .047), and 45‒60 min (-14%; p = .030). Peak torque of the eccKF was significantly reduced from pre- to post-exercise at 60 (-7.7%; p = .018), 180 (-10.5%; p = .042), and 270 degs-1 (-7.5%; p = .034). A main effect for time was identified for PL-T (p < .010), PL-V (p = .033), and PL-AP (p < .010). These findings suggest that muscle excitation of the rectus femoris is reduced during ET, accompanied with a deficit in the torque generation of the knee flexors following 120 min of soccer-specific activity. Practitioners should adequately condition players for the additional ET period by incorporating exercises into training schedules that develop fatigue-resistant eccentric hamstring strength to minimize injury risk. 



#7 Incidence of Acute Hamstring Injuries in Soccer: A Systematic Review of 13 Studies Involving More Than 3800 Athletes With 2 Million Sport Exposure Hours 

Reference: J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2020 Dec 11;1-34. doi: 10.2519/jospt.2021.9305. Online ahead of print. 

Authors: Willemijn M Diemer, Marinus Winters, Johannes L Tol, Haiko I M F L Pas, Maarten H Moen

Summary: The aim was to estimate the incidence and recurrence rate of acute hamstring injuries in all levels of soccer. We included prospective studies of all levels of adult soccer players that registered acute hamstring injuries and provided a description of incidence of acute hamstring injuries in n/1000 playing hours (or available data to calculate this). Due to heterogeneity, we synthesised the data descriptively. Thirteen studies including 3868 players met the inclusion criteria. Two of thirteen included studies reported on hamstring injuries in women and thirteen on men. The incidence of acute hamstring injury ranged from 0.3 to 0.5 per 1000 exposure hours in women and 0.3 to 1.9 per 1000 exposure hours in men. Hamstring injuries accounted for 5% to 15% of all soccer-related injuries. Hamstring injury recurrence rates ranged from 4% to 68%, depending on the injury definition. Certainty of the evidence ranged from moderate to very low. The incidence of acute hamstring injury in soccer was 0.3 to 1.9 per 1000 exposure hours. The recurrence rate was 4-68%. Certainty of the evidence ranged from moderate to very low. 



#8 Concentric and eccentric isokinetic hamstring injury risk among 582 professional elite soccer players: a 10-years retrospective cohort study 

Reference: BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 2020 Nov 23;6(1):e000868. 

doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2020-000868. eCollection 2020. 

Authors: Ricardo Lima Burigo, Robson Dias Scoz, Bruno Mazziotti de Oliveira Alves, Rubens Alexandre da Silva, Cesar Augusto Melo-Silva, Edgar Ramos Vieira, Rogerio Pessoto Hirata, Cesar Ferreira Amorim

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Summary: Different authors have tried to correlate the peak isokinetic torque values with the incidence of soccer match injuries. However, due to the wide variety of assessment testing protocols, such an inference becomes difficult. This study aimed to verify the capacity of an isokinetic test to establish injury risk reference values for hamstring strain injuries. A retrospective cohort study based on isokinetic data and clinical records from the last 10 years was conducted in 582 Brazilian elite-professional soccer players, who were subjected to the same isokinetic test protocol, machine, and tester. A Multivariate Logistic Regression Analysis for Complex Data Sampling was used to generate injury risk statistical indexes. Multivariate regression analysis of both legs provided important data to identify the cut-off values of Concentric Peak Torque (181.82 Newton/*metres), Concentric Work (236.23 watts) and Concentric Power (130.11 joules). The injury risk indexes indicate that an increase of just one Newton unit in CPT (Concentric Peak Torque) and CJ (Concentric Power) above those cut-off values, can reduce the risk of future injuries by 2% and 2.7%, respectively. 



#9 Traditional Free-Weight Vs. Variable Resistance Training Applied to Elite Young Soccer Players During a Short Preseason: Effects on Strength, Speed, and Power Performance 

Reference: J Strength Cond Res. 2020 Dec 4. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003899. Online ahead of print. 

Authors: Irineu Loturco, Lucas A Pereira, Valter P Reis, Vinicius Zanetti, Chris Bishop, Michael R Mcguigan

Summary: Maximizing the neuromuscular capacities of players is a critical challenge during short soccer preseasons. This study compared the effects of 2 strength-power training regimes, on the strength, speed, and power performance of elite young soccer players during a 4-week preseason. Twenty-five under-20 players from the same club were pair matched in 2 training groups as follows: traditional training group (TTG) (n = 13), athletes performed half-squat (HS) and jump-squat (JS) exercises as traditionally prescribed, and elastic band (EB) group (EBG) (n = 12), athletes performed HS and JS with EB attached to the barbell. Vertical jump height, 20-m sprint velocity, change of direction (COD) speed, HS and JS power, and 1 repetition maximum (1RM) in the HS were assessed before, after 2-week, and after 4-week of training. A two-way analysis of variance with repeated measures was used to assess the effects of both training protocols over the experimental period. Both strategies were effective for significantly improving HS and JS power (effect sizes [ESs] = 1.00-1.77), HS 1RM (ES = 1.68 and 1.51 for TTG and EBG, respectively), vertical jumping ability (ES = 0.37-0.65), and COD speed (ES = 0.81 and 0.39 for TTG and EBG, respectively), when comparing premeasures and postmeasures. By contrast, both TTG and EBG failed to increase 20-m sprint velocity (ES ranging between -0.54 and 0.23). In conclusion, both training schemes were able to improve the strength and power performance but not the sprint capacity of young soccer players. To accelerate strength gains over very-short time periods (i.e., 2 weeks), variable resistance training may be advantageous. Conversely, to optimize power adaptations in ballistic exercises across a similar time period, traditional free-weight training may be preferred. 



#10 The Association Between Training Load Indices and Injuries in Elite Soccer Players 

Reference: J Strength Cond Res. 2020 Dec 4. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003914. Online ahead of print. 

Authors: Caoimhe Tiernan, Tom Comyns, Mark Lyons, Alan M Nevill, Giles Warrington

Summary: The purpose was to investigate the association between contact injuries, noncontact injuries, and training load indices, across different lag periods in elite soccer players. Internal load (session rate of perceived exertion) was collected from 15 elite soccer players over 1 season (40-weeks). Acute (7 days), chronic (28 days), acute:chronic workload ratio (ACWR) (uncoupled), exponentially weighted moving averages (EWMA) ACWR, and 2-, 3-, and 4-week cumulative load were calculated on a rolling weekly basis. Multilevel logistic regression was used to analyze the associations between contact, noncontact injuries, and training load indices, across different lag periods (5 and 7 days). A player was at a significantly higher risk of a noncontact injury 5 days later, if week-to-week acute load changes increased (odds ratio [OR] = 1.97). An increase in EWMA ACWR was associated with an increased risk of both a contact (OR = 1.30) and noncontact injury (OR = 1.35), 5 days later. An increase in 2-week cumulative load (OR = 1.77) was associated with an increased risk of a contact injury 7 days later and 3-week cumulative load (OR = 1.55) 5 days later. These findings suggest that to reduce the potential risk of a noncontact injury, training load should be gradually increased, avoiding an increase in week-to-week acute load change (≥9%) or EWMA ACWR (>1.20). Findings indicated that EWMA ACWR may be a more sensitive measure for detecting a player at a higher risk of an injury than ACWR. Furthermore, a high 2- and 3-week cumulative load was associated with an increased risk of a contact injury, which may indicate accumulated fatigue. Practitioners must note that this study investigated associations with injury risk and not injury prediction. 



#11 Warm-up durations in a hot-dry climate affect thermoregulation, mean power-output and fatigue, but not peak power in specific soccer repeated-sprint ability 

Reference: BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil. 2020 Dec 9;12(1):76. doi: 10.1186/s13102-020-00221-9. 

Authors: Mohamed Frikha, Nesrine Chaâri, Noureddine Ben Said, Mohammed Shaab Alibrahim

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Summary: This study addressed the lack of data on the effect of warm-up (WU) duration in hot-dry climate (~ 30 °C; ~ 18% RH), on thermoregulation, muscular power-output, and fatigue after specific soccer repeated-sprint test (RSA). Eleven amateur soccer players participated in a cross-over randomized study and they underwent the Bangsbo repeated-sprint test, after three WU durations (i.e. WU10, WU15 and WU20 min) at 70% of MAV, and on different days. Peak power (PP), mean power (MP) and the fatigue index (FI) were recorded and analyzed. Likewise, heart rate (HR), tympanic temperature (Ttym), mean body temperature (MBT) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded during each session. The repeated measure ANOVA showed that MP improved after WU15 in comparison to WU10 and WU20 (p = 0.04 and p = 0.001; respectively). Nonetheless, no significant effect on PP was recorded after all WU durations. FI during RSA increased after WU20 in comparison to WU15 and WU10 (p < 0.001 and p = 0.003; respectively). Higher RPE values (p < 0.001) were recorded after WU15 and WU20 in comparison to WU10 duration. The two-way ANOVA showed higher ΔTtym and ΔMBT values after WU15 and WU20 compared to WU10 (p = 0.039 and p < 0.001for Ttym; p = 0.005 and p < 0.001 for MBT, respectively). The WU15 at 70% of MAV better assists mean power-output during soccer RSA in hot-dry (~ 30 °C; 18% RH) climate, but not peak power. Reducing WU duration up to 10 min seems to be insufficient to induce beneficial physiological changes necessary for optimizing repeated-sprint performance, while its extension up to 20 min remains detrimental for muscular power and induces higher fatigue. 



#12 Retirement of professional soccer players - A systematic review from social sciences perspectives 

Reference: J Sports Sci. 2020 Dec 9;1-12. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2020.1851449. Online ahead of print. 

Authors: Michael Barth, Arne Güllich, Carina Andrea Forstinger, Torsten Schlesinger, Frank Schröder, Eike Emrich

Summary: Retiring professional athletes face multifaceted changes and potential issues of adjustment, occupational development, and well-being, which raises concerns around the world. The study systematically reviewed the available research investigating professional soccer players' sport retirement from social sciences perspectives. The literature search in electronic databases and a "snowballing" procedure yielded 17 eligible studies investigating > 2,200 retired professional soccer players. The review followed the PRISMA statement. Nine studies focused on an early transition phase to retirement period; four studies investigated later periods of ten years or longer after retirement. Around half of the players reported involuntary retirement, often associated with declining performance and/or injury. Studies suggest issues of adjustment and mental health during early years after retirement, while psychological issues had apparently declined around 1-2 decades after retirement. However, available studies had notable limitations including lack of evidenced representative samples, report of measures' reliability, and control for confounders. Furthermore, while theoretical models emphasise a holistic perspective, quantitative research often took a narrow rather than holistic perspective. In summary, available knowledge is fraught with some uncertainty regarding reliability and representativeness of the population of retired professional soccer players. We offer future directions to advance the development of a theory of sport retirement. 



#13 The Challenges of Treating Female Soccer Players With ACL Injuries: Hamstring Versus Bone-Patellar Tendon-Bone Autograft 

Reference: Orthop J Sports Med. 2020 Nov 30;8(11):2325967120964884. 

doi: 10.1177/2325967120964884. eCollection 2020 Nov. 

Authors: Elise Britt, Ryan Ouillette, Eric Edmonds, Henry Chambers, Kristina Johnson, Tracey Bastrom, Andrew Pennock

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Summary: Although anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are common in female soccer players, the optimal graft option for ACL reconstruction is currently unclear. The hypothesis was to compare the outcomes of female soccer players after ACL reconstruction using either hamstring tendon autograft or bone-patellar tendon-bone (BTB) autograft. We hypothesized that there would be no difference in clinical outcome scores, return to sport, or retear rates between BTB and hamstring grafts in our study cohort. We performed a retrospective review of all skeletally mature adolescent female soccer players who underwent primary ACL reconstruction using either hamstring tendon or BTB autograft between 2013 and 2016. Demographic, injury, and surgical variables were documented. Outcome measures included the Lysholm score, Single Assessment Numeric Evaluation, Tegner activity score, and visual analog scales for pain and for satisfaction, as well as ability to return to sport. Overall, 90 female soccer players met the inclusion criteria, of whom 79% (41 BTB and 30 hamstring) were available for a minimum 2-year follow-up or had a graft failure before the follow-up. The BTB group had a lower body mass index (mean ± SD, 23 ± 3 vs 25 ± 4; P = .02) and shorter postoperative follow-up time in months (mean ± SD, 37.4 vs 46.1; P ≤ .001); otherwise, no differences in demographic, injury, or surgical variables between groups were noted. Regarding outcome measures, the BTB group achieved a higher Tegner score (6.0 vs 4.2; P = .004), and there was no other difference between groups. Of the patients who did not return to soccer, 44.7% reported fear as the reason. Of the patients who did return to soccer, 31.9% sustained another ACL injury (retear or contralateral tear), with no differences in reinjury rates based on graft selection. Adolescent female soccer players undergoing ACL reconstruction had relatively high satisfaction and outcome scores independent of autograft choice. Notwithstanding, patients and families need to be counseled that less than half of patients will return to their preinjury level of sport and, if an athlete attempts to return, there is a high risk of further ACL injury. 



#14 Acute Effects of Brief Mindfulness Intervention Coupled with Carbohydrate Ingestion to Re-Energize Soccer Players: A Randomized Crossover Trial 

Reference: Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Dec 4;17(23):9037. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17239037. 

Authors: Yuxin Zhu, Fenghua Sun, Chunxiao Li, Daniel Hung Kay Chow

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Summary: This field experiment investigated the acute effects of brief mindfulness-based intervention (MBI) coupled with carbohydrate (CHO) intake on players' recovery from half-time break in a simulated soccer competition. In a single-blinded randomized crossover experiment, 14 male players received 3 treatments (Control: non-carbohydrate solution + travelling introduction audio; CHO: CHO-electrolyte solution + travelling introduction audio; and CHO_M: CHO-electrolyte solution + MBI) during simulated half-time breaks. Vertical jump, sprint performance, mindfulness level, rate of perceived exertion, muscle pain, mental fatigue, blood glucose, and lactate were measured immediately before, during, and after the exercise. (1) MBI significantly increased participants' mindfulness level (Control vs. CHO_M, p < 0.01; CHO vs. CHO_M, p < 0.01) and decreased mental fatigue for CHO_M condition (pre vs. post, p < 0.01); (2) participants in the CHO_M condition performed better in the repeated sprint tests than in the Control and CHO condition (Control vs. CHO_M, p = 0.02; CHO vs. CHO_M, p = 0.02). Findings of this study provide preliminary evidence of the positive effect of MBI coupled with CHO ingestion on athletes' recovery from fatigue in the early stage of the second half of a game. 


The Training Manager -